About This Song
Sheet Music
NOTE: For those songs that were never recorded or published and we have only a handwritten copy of the lyrics (ex. “Cowboy Moon”) delete “Sheet Music” and “Recordings.”
Song Title
(Alternate Title)
Composer Name
Original copyright: Month xx, xxxx
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
Lyrics of the song.
(optional image)
Background information about the song. More background information about the song. More background information about the song. More background information about the song.
"If there’s a quotation about the song, format it using the quotation style on the Squarespace text toolbar."
(source of the quotation)
More background information about the song. More background information about the song. More background information about the song.
More background information about the song.
Here we include relevant information about the sheet music such as where it was published, plus links to the sheet music page (if we have sheet music) and the card in Bob’s repertiore box (if we have it). If we don’t have either use the text “We do not have any sheet music for this song.”
(NOTE: Some songs were never published or recorded and only exist as a copy of handwritten lyrics. In these cases, delete the “Sheet Music” and “Recordings” sections and insert the image of the handwritten lyrics below “About This Song".)
(NOTE: Some songs were published through Bob Ross music. They’d send a copyist to Bob’s house; Bob would dictate the song while the copyist made a rough draft, then they’d make a clean copy from that. Sometimes the original song page includes an image of one or more of the rough drafts. In those cases, on the new site we’ll create new pages for these and link to them, so you’ll want to add text and links something like this:)
We have both his original "Autumn Reverie" lead sheets and the later printed "Empty Arms" sheet music published by Bob Nolan Music, Inc.
First and second handwritten drafts of “Autumn Reverie”
Published sheet music of “Empty Arms” (Bob Nolan Music, Inc)
Title of the song (publisher)
Typed copy of the lyrics from Bob Nolan's repertoire box
We do not have any sheet music for this song.
(Insert image of handwritten lyrics if that’s all we have.)
NOTE: Audio blocks should be in chronological order. They’re grouped here with headings and in alphabetical order to make it easy to find stuff.
(Transcription recordings)
(Movie soundtrack recordings)
(Commercial recordings)
(Non-commercial recordings)
(NOTE: If there are any commercial recordings list them first, in alphabetical order under their own heading.)
(Transcription recordings are listed second. They have their own heading whether or not there are any commercial recordings. They should be listed chronologically as above but are listed here in alphabetical order.)
(We’re only going to list SotP recordings here. If there were other recordings listed on the old website we drop them.)
Tumbleweed Trail, RCA Victor LPM/LSP-2456 (1960)
Untitled single, Vocalion 04328 (1937)
10-2-4 radio show, No. 385 (63932) (July 3, 1944)
10-2-4 Ranch radio show, No. 196 (April 19, 1943)
10-2-4 Time radio show, No. 465 (37698) (January 6, 1945)
Lucky U Ranch radio shows (courtesy of Larry Hopper)
- Transcriptions disc TR-93/94 (November 11, 1951)
- Transcriptions disc TR-178/179 (January 7, 1952)
- Transcriptions disc TR-312/313 (April 4, 1952)
- Transcriptions disc TR-373/374 (May 19, 1952)
Melody Roundup radio show, No. 196 (c. 1942-45)
NBC Thesaurus transcriptions, side A MS-059251-2 (1962)
Orthacoustic Symphonies of the Sage, transcription disc TR-858 11A (March 14, 1944)
Smokey the Bear radio show, episode No. 5 (1955), episode No. 5 (1958)
Standard Radio transcriptions, B 3062-A Side LL (1935)
Teleways Radio Productions transcriptions, Nos. 9, 59, 158, and 224 (c. 1947-48)